Wednesday, November 7, 2007


This blog is the diary of Sue Anne and Bruce’s trip to Italy in October 2007. We were there for two weeks, along with our daughter Karin, her husband Dan, and Dan’s mother Cathy. We lived for a week in an apartment on a canal in Venice and then had a second week in a house in the country in Tuscany.

We wrote this a day at a time, typically in the evening after a day’s adventure (though we didn’t get around to documenting the last few days till after we had returned home). We would add some pictures and videos, store the result on a flash drive, and upload it at the nearby Internet shop the next day. It was a great way of letting the folks back home know where we were and what we were doing, and it captured our impressions as they existed at the moment.

But since the format of blogs tends to be oriented toward current information, it’s now a bit awkward to follow our trip in the normal chronological order. So here’s the easiest way to navigate. Start by clicking this link, which will bring you back to the beginning. At the bottom of each page thereafter, you’ll see links for Newer Post and Older Post. Keep clicking Newer Post and you’ll work your way through the whole trip and a few post-trip summaries, and finally you’ll end up back here. Or you could do it backwards by just scrolling down from where you are now.

The Links section off to the right will take you to a map of the two places where we stayed, a map of our entire itinerary, and a few other sites that might be of interest.

You can click any of the pictures to see a full-sized version in a new window. If some of the pictures in the blog look dark, it’s because of the way they were compressed to fit. The detail will show through if you look at them full-sized. The pictures with the controls at the bottom are videos. Click the Triangle icon to play them. They probably require a recent version of Flash to work correctly.

Other than regular trips to Edmonton to see Sarah, Dan, and the two (soon to be three) grandkids, our next excursion will be to England with Sue Anne
’s sister Aimée and her husband Steve in October 2008. October is a great time for a trip—Germany 2000, China 2006, Italy 2007, ... . Stay tuned!


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