Interesting views of the traffic in the canal beneath our window. All manners of commerce and trade in addition to the tourism. Watched a remodeling contractor sawing wood for a nearby job while standing in his boat. No OSHA here! It was trash day in our neighborhood, so we got to watch it being collected in carts, no doubt to be further loaded into boats on its way to the dump. Lots of other carts making deliveries to shops and restaurants.
Our house is the salmon colored one in the center of the picture below. The windows with the window boxes are ours.
Then we headed off to the Rialto Market and the nearby Rialto Bridge across the Grand Canal.
Then back to our apartment for siesta. It’s actually written in the info sheet here that we aren’t to make loud noises between 1 and 3 in the afternoon! We slept a bit longer than that.
Then back toward the center of town to an Internet café that Karin and Dan had spotted yesterday. Not many of these around. We had to show passports, which they copied, and we were advised that the police would get lists of all the sites we visited!
No significant e-mail. No bidding war on our house yet. Managed to upload yesterday’s blog after working through the Italian instructions in otherwise familiar applications.
Higher class shops in this part of town. There had been a certain sameness to many of the shops that we passed earlier in the day—lots of carnival masks and glass pieces. Bought tights for the grandkids. Another delightful dinner. Very jovial waiter. Walk back to apartment. Karin and Dan are doing very well at guiding us through the maze of alleys and passageways. There's not enough sky view for GPS down there.
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